Last week we shared an interview of Vicki and me being interviewed over on Passion Pods about what it’s like to start your own business and do what you love for a living.
This week we thought we’d share a bit more about what it really takes to quit the 9 to 5 and become your own boss and encourage you, if you’ve dreamed of starting your own business, to take that dream seriously.
Because we only dream of the things that are meant for us.
So you have to listen to those dreams.
But the dream of starting your own business is a BIG one.
It can be one of those dreams that we can dance around for years, never quite daring to pick it up, because it just seems…well too big.
So if that sounds like you, if you’ve always loved the idea of being your own boss and running your own show, then it’s time to get you started on that journey.
You don’t even need to know what kind of business you’d like to run yet.
All you need is a commitment to take action and a willingness to try stuff out.
That is how businesses are born.
That is how Project Love was born.
We just started doing stuff.
We started with small projects that got us excited, involved things we loved to do and tested out our ideas.
Our first idea – a course on helping women sort out their love lives – was tested out on 15 single women and was the basis of what later became Get Ready for Love.
At the time of doing it we didn’t even have a website and we certainly didn’t have a plan.
We just had passion for what we were doing, a commitment to following our hearts and a willingness to explore, experiment and get help and guidance when we needed it.
And that really IS all you need to start a business.
How do I know?
Because I started my first business aged 26 and over the past 10 years I have helped over 1000 people start their own businesses through online courses and 121 coaching programmes.
And what I’ve learnt in that time is that the key to success is action.
Don’t lie in bed trying to come up with a unique award-winning business idea that will make you rich quick.
You don’t need a unique, never-before-thought-of idea to be a success.
What matters most is you doing something that you love.
That is the secret to success.
So do things that help you to figure out what activities, people and places you’d love your working day to be filled with, what your strengths are and what you’d like to offer the world.
Don’t think about it. Do it.
By trying out ideas one project at a time, you will grow a business that is right for you.
And if you want to be shown exactly how to do that, then come and join me and the legendary Marianne Cantwell (author of the best-selling book ‘How to be a Free Range Human’) on our 6 week course ‘The Ideas Adventure’ starting in just a few weeks.
We run this course once a year and it’s all about how to come up with a business idea that is right for you.
It’s an amazingly powerful course. Not only will you go away with a process that you can use over and over again to help you grow your business, but you will find out so much about yourself, what makes you come alive and what your strengths are.
You will be surprised at how much you can learn and do in just 6 weeks. And how much fun you can have in the process.
I love running this course with Marianne because she has been one of my own business mentors for the past 6 years and every time we run it together magic seems to happen in our own lives and businesses!
(Here we are with Marianne coming up with some magic for Project Love not so long ago)
So if you’re ready to have some fun and figure out a business idea that is really right for you then sign your name up here >>> THE IDEAS ADVENTURE
Marianne will send you more details about the course (emails will come from Free Range Humans) and you’ll be the first to hear when tickets go on sale (there is a very special 48 hour offer when it first goes on sale)
And if you have any questions in the meantime about the course then you can email me at hello <at>
And then let’s make this the year you get your business idea off the ground!
X Selina